Saturday 28 May 2022

Non Toxic Air Freshener For Bathroom

Did you know that indoor air pollution can affect your health, the health of your pets, and the health of your family?

When you think about air pollution, you might think of fuel emissions from cars, smog, and power plants, but not consider the quality of the air inside your home. We spend the majority of our time indoors, so we should be doing all we can do to combat indoor air pollution.

Keeping your home aired out, clean, and dry will go a long way to preventing harmful chemicals from being released into your home. But there’s one surprising source of air pollution you might not have considered: flushing the toilet!

What Is Toilet Plume?

The burst of germs, smells and particles that get sprayed from your toilet has a name - toilet plume.

When you flush your toilet, the flushing action of the water can spray toilet plume up to 6 feet from your toilet - yuck! Scientists who study toilet plume have found that flushing flings particles into the air and all over your bathroom items - covering your toilet unit, the sink and shower, and even items like your makeup and toothbrush in gross little particles.

How To Prevent Toilet Plume

Luckily, preventing the spread of germs and odour of toilet plume is easy: simply use our toilet spray before you go to the loo, and close the lid before you flush.

Toilet Sprays work by helping to reduce odours in the bathroom. They create a film across the surface of the water that traps odours caused by any poo, wee, menstrual blood or any other nasties (even vomit) that drop into the water.

Mask Toilet Sprays are perfect for containing those nasty smells that can be spread even further by toilet plumes. Simply spray the surface of the water in the toilet bowl before you go, close the lid once you’ve finished your business and flush.

Want To Try Toilet Spray for Yourself?

We’re so confident that you’ll love our toilet sprays, we offer all our customers a risk-free purchase! If you don’t love the product, we’ll send you a refund and let you keep the product anyway!

Our range of Mask Co. toilet sprays comes in a variety of scents that will appeal to everyone's nose in your household.

If the man of your house prefers a masculine, dark, and woody scent, he’s sure to love our Teakwood and Amber Toilet Spray. If you love fresh fragrances, our Byron Bay Breeze scent is a classic scent that will make your bathroom smell like grapefruit, sea salt and lime. Shop our full range here!

Saturday 14 May 2022

Best Air Freshener For Home

Sometimes, when you’re up to your ears in chores, running around after the kids, trying to cook dinner *and* all before you need to leave for work, the last thing you need is a surprise visitor.

But just like taxes, last-minute unexpected guests are inevitable, and you’ll find yourself needing to make your home presentable for guests in a flash.

Of course, your friends and family will always tell you that they’re there to see you, - but that doesn’t stop you from feeling uncomfortable while they’re there. But don’t worry, because we’ve got the perfect solution for you.
Here are our top 3 ways to quickly refresh your home for unexpected guests.

1. Air Out Your Entire Home

The first step is the easiest one: throw open all your doors and windows. It might seem simple, but in the rush of getting ready, this easily forgotten step does wonders to freshen up your home.

Get rid of that stale air smell, and any lingering cooking and pet smells by opening your windows and doors and letting the breeze in. Make sure it’s the first thing you do before you get started on the next step below.

2. Do A Quick Tidy-Up And Declutter:

It’s easy to miss a step when you’re tidying your home while you’re in a rush. Try following this simple checklist so that you don’t miss anything important while you’re decluttering:

- Start by popping your dirty dishes in the dishwasher, giving your surfaces a wipe, and emptying your rubbish bin

- Give the toilet and bathroom sink a quick wipe over with some sanitiser (try a scented one for a gorgeous hit of welcoming fragrance)

- Grab a rubbish bag and a duster, and go room-to-room collecting any bits of waste while you have a quick dust

- To save yourself time and stress, if you can simply close a door, let yourself do that. Just focus on the rooms that your guests will see

- If you have a minute, fresh flowers and decor do wonders for freshening up your house. If you want the look and appeal of fresh flowers, grab some scissors and head out to the garden for some fresh greenery and flowers to put in your favourite vase

3. Use Your Favourite Fragrance To Welcome Your Guests

The smell of your house is the first thing your guests will notice when they enter your home, so make sure you spend a minute freshening up the air with your favourite air freshener and sanitisers.

Before you leave each room, try these hacks to make your entire home smell beautiful and inviting.

- Give the toilet and bathroom sink a quick wipe over with sanitiser (a scented sanitiser works perfectly)

- Spray a fresh sheet of paper towel with air freshener and put it in the base of your kitchen bin

- If you’ve got time to sweep or vacuum, a spray of air freshener on your broom head or vacuum bag will do wonders to carry the scent through your house

- Make sure you spray the living room, your sofa and couch cushions - just one light spritz in the air above your sofa will do.

Saturday 7 May 2022

Air Freshener

Have you ever noticed that the homes of your friends and family smell like beautifully fragrant candles, while some smell, well, not so fresh?

We know all the tricks for giving your home a fresh new scent.

Whether it’s because your mother-in-law has announced she’ll be popping over for a cup of tea in 30 minutes, or because you want to reset the scent of your home to one that really captures your style and essence - we can help you!

If you’re thinking about restyling the scent of your home, you’re bound to find one that suits your style in our range of unique Air Fresheners.

If you’re a fan of sweet, fun, and nostalgic scents, you’ll love our popular Musk Stick Air Freshener (it’s a staff favourite!). Can’t resist the scent of homemade baked goods, fresh out of the oven? Why not try Grandma’s Biscuits? Or if your style is a little more subtle and classic, then let our Cherry Blossom Air Freshener fill your home with its delicate floral scent.

Once you’ve chosen your signature scent, here’s how to style your scent in 3 simple steps:

1. Give your home a blank slate by opening all your doors and windows and airing out your entire home

2. Use our #MaskCoHacks to make every room - including your living room, kitchen, and bathroom, smell divine

3. Consider other ways you can work scent into your everyday routine - think scented sanitisers, toilet sprays, or even a luxurious reed diffuser

Mask Co. has a huge range of scents that are truly unique, bewitching, and smell exactly like the bottle says! With a range of scents to choose from, you can evoke dreams of beachside siestas, or the heavenly scent of an inviting spring garden.

You can discover our full range of Australian-owned and made air fresheners here.

Monday 18 April 2022

Toilet Spray Refill


Toilet Spray Refill

Our Toilet Sprays are more affordable AND kinder to the environment.

Each 500ml pouch is the equivalent of over EIGHT 60ml bottles. Don’t wait on the delivery man, keep your favourite fragrance stored away for easy top ups!

Why choose the refill option?

  • Save a further 20%
  • You will be stocked up!
  • Our pouch is a more eco-friendly option

Choose your fragrance!

Monday 4 April 2022

Toilet Sprays


Toilet Sprays

60ml Bottle

We get it… we’ve all been there. Mid dinner party and you suddenly get the urge. Don’t fear, Mask is here!

Our Toilet Sprays are used BEFORE you ‘do the business’ and will neutralise the stinky issue before it gets a chance to wreak havoc.

                    Let’s start building your pack!

Looking to mix all of our products in one pack? Try our popular subscription service here.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Crisp Apple & Pear Hand Sanitisar



60ml Bottle

Our premium sanitisers are your next-level daily necessity.

Here are the benefits:
1. Contains 70% alcohol to kill 99.9% of germs
2. Won't leave hands dry like cheaper brands
3. Our mist spray cap disperses liquid evenly
4. Smells 100% divine!


Non Toxic Air Freshener For Bathroom

Did you know that indoor air pollution can affect your health, the health of your pets, and the health of your family? When you think about ...